100 Days of Grace & Gratitude: A Devotional Journal

100 Days of Grace & Gratitude: A Devotional Journal

Matematika [tex]{ \pink{ \small{{ math~ }}}}[/tex]
[tex] \\ [/tex]
[tex] \sf \lim_{ x \to10} \: \frac{4x × 6x}{9x + 2x} [/tex]
[tex] \\ \\ [/tex]

[tex]{ \pink{ \small{{ math~ }}}}[/tex]
[tex] \\ [/tex]
[tex] \sf \lim_{ x \to10} \: \frac{4x × 6x}{9x + 2x} [/tex]
[tex] \\ \\ [/tex]

Penjelasan dengan langkah-langkah:

[tex] \displaystyle\sf \lim_{ x \to10} \: \frac{4x × 6x}{9x + 2x} [/tex]

[tex] \sf\to \frac{4(10) \times 6(10)}{9(10) + 2(10)}[/tex]

[tex] \sf \to \frac{40 \times 60}{90 + 20} [/tex]

[tex] \sf \to \frac{2400}{90 + 20} [/tex]

[tex] \to \sf \frac{2400}{110} [/tex]

Lim (4x × 6x)/(9x + 2x)


= (4x × 6x)/(9x + 2x)

= (4(10) × 6(10))/(9(10) + 2(10))

= ((4 × 10) × (6 × 10))/(9(10) + 2(10))

= (40 × 60)/((9 × 10) + (2 × 10))

= (40 × 60)/(90 + 20)

= 2.400/110

= 1.200/55

[tex] \huge\tt\color{FF6666}{@}\color{FFB266}{c}\color{B2FF66}{a}\color{66FF66}{l}\color{66FFFF}{l}\color{66B2FF}{m}\color{6666FF}{e}\color{2266FF}{p}\color{FF66FF}{u}\color{FF66B2}{tr}\color{FF9999}{i}\color{FFCC99}[/tex]
