100 Days of Grace & Gratitude: A Devotional Journal

100 Days of Grace & Gratitude: A Devotional Journal

B. inggris contoh kaliamt past continuous tense​

contoh kaliamt past continuous tense​

past continuous tense adalah kegiatan atau hal yang sedang terjadi pada waktu yang spesifik di masa lampau.

contoh past continuous tense :

  • They were talking about the weather. (Mereka sedang membicarakan tentang cuaca).
  • We were watching movie in the cinema. (Kami sedang menonton film di bioskop).
  • At the time, Lala was drawing a beautiful flowers garden. (Waktu itu, Lala sedang melukis taman bunga yang indah).
  • He was seeking an inspiration in the art gallery. (Dia sedang mencari inspirasi di galeri seni).
  • Ronaldo was playing football. (Ronaldo sedang bermain sepak bola).
  • We were having dinner with our parents. (Kamu sedang makan malam bersama kedua orang tua kami).